We Remember Twelve Years Ago Today

(Courtesy of Nathaniel Harmon)


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., History, Terrorism, Urban/City Life and Issues

6 comments on “We Remember Twelve Years Ago Today

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    Our son Nathaniel is in New York City and snapped this picture last week.

  2. SC blu cat lady says:

    What a interesting but in a way sad picture. I remember where I was that day. I had just taught my chemistry class at a community college where I was adjunct faculty. I had to ask on a internet forum what had happened and why everyone was so upset. I was told that the World Trade Center in NYC had been hit by two planes. Later, the info came out that the pentagon had been hit and the flight in PA. Classes were cancelled for the rest of the day. I did not see any of it until later in the day when I was at home and had a TV to watch. It was an eerily silent day with no planes overhead (we lived in the flight path of a nearby airport) as I worked in my rose garden. Anyone else care to comment what they were doing that day?

  3. sophy0075 says:

    I was at home, doing some light housekeeping. My husband phoned from work and said, “Turn on the tv.” In 1993, I had worked for Ogden Corporation, which at the time provided the security to the World Trade Center. Something told me, looking at the 2001 scene of WT1, that this was no accident, no pilot error. I remember seeing the second plane making a beeline for the second tower, and feeling queasy with the realization that hundreds of innocent passengers and who knows how many office workers were dying in the course of a ghastly attack.

  4. Katherine says:

    We spent that afternoon in Lyons, France, touring the Roman ruins on the hill above the medieval city, visiting an amphitheater where Christians may have been martyred. While we toured, it was morning on the East Coast at home. We arrived in our hotel to a very agitated concierge saying, “Go watch CNN!” So while we were thinking of ancient Christian martyrs, the murders of innocents were occurring at home.

  5. Kendall Harmon says:

    The weirdest part of it for me was that Tuesday was my day off. I was sitting there at my big green desk with the TV on and Mark Haines was in the middle of an interview on CNBC when he cut from the interview directly to the hole in the first tower hit. I will never for get that terrible feeling, reinforced by the chat rooms I was in at the time.

  6. montanan says:

    Late that day one of my colleagues had a very sick child he was taking care of in our local hospital. The child needed to be transported to a larger pediatric medical center. He had to call a special control room in the White House to get clearance for the medical air transport team to fly out to pick up the child.